Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Passion project


Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today I will be talking about my passion project. At school the year 7 and 8s started a thing called a passion project. A passion project is when you work on something you are passionate about and you want to get better at and this year Jacob ( my friend ) and I are doing our passion project on Minecraft. In Minecraft we are mainly focusing on learning and using red stone. Since we don't know anything about red stone we have to search up how to build and using red stone on the internet. So far Minecraft has been pretty fun as I learned how to build a fully automatic red stone TNT cannon and guess what? It works. In Minecraft I've always wanted to know how to use red stone so what be way to learn than to do it as my passion project. Now I will answer some questions.

What topic have you chosen?
Well learning how to use red stone in Minecraft.

What sort of things do you plan to do?
Well we don't really know, but we will search up what to do in Minecraft which uses red stone.

So that looks like thats it so.... 


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