Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Image result for athletics gif
Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today I will be taking athletics day our school did last Thursday.  I quite like athletics so the day wasn't too bad, I'm saying I enjoyed the day. We did the athletics down at Nairnville park on the field. For each year group the girls and boys go around doing each different station and if you get in the top three or two you get to go through too the northern zones and then if you do well in the northern zones you go through to the inter zones. So now I will answer some questions.

What were your favourite and least favourite events?
My least favourite event was probably the sprints and my favourite event was the vortex as I came third out of all the year 8 boys.

Say something at the athletics were you showed an EPIC value. (  EPIC meaning: Empathy, Perseverance, Integrity and Creativity. )
The time when I showed one of these values was when I showed perseverance when I did the 1.5 km run as I was 1 of 5 year 8 boys who did it which I was really happy when I finished the run.

So that looks like thats it so.....


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