Wednesday, May 24, 2017


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Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today I will be talking about the cross-country which we had       Tuesday last week.The year 7's and 8's had to run 2 km. The cross-country was held at narnville park. I was really nervous before we ran and afterward I was happy I ran the whole way and that I finished and I was really tired. I stayed at a nice and easy pace the whole race as at the start everyone sprinted and I just jogged. I Felt like a little more running before the cross-country would of help a lot. It was fun as well all got to have half the day of when we were all watch the runs and when we got back to school we did a lot of teacher reading and that was all we did at school after the cross-country. My favourite part of the run was when I was running the home stretch as once you've cross the finish line a huge sigh of relief and you being proud goes though out your body.

So thats looks like that's it so.........


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